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There Is A Message Beyond The Cross

What can you add to the cross?

What did you come to see?

This is Where it Ends.

Jesus is not  hanging around the cross, he's gone beyond.

If you really want to deal with life bring it to the cross.

For the best possible eternity go beyond the cross.

Every mental condition

Salvation in one sentence is, " Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand."


Simply put change your mind about how you have lived your life put it back into the hands of the one that created all life, come learn who God really is and his way of living life.


Let's pray, Father forgive me for I am a sinner looking for refuge in your kingdom. Father God I change my mind about how  I've lived my life and want to give it back to you. You have created all things the sun, the moon, the stars all great and small even the devil was created for your purpose. I renounce Satan and his kingdom. Be my Father Lord and I ask again forgive me.


I believe that Jesus Christ is your Son and that he died and rose again, because there is nothing impossible for you. He paid a price I could not pay believing you are Father all the way. He never denied you Father never…Thank you Jesus for taking my sin.

Jesus be my Lord come into my heart and shepherd me, lead me in this life. Baptize me with the Holy Spirit and fire, comfort me Lord, and lead me with your presence into all truth, I am yours.


Now recieve the Fathers love







You Are Forgiven
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